131 Learning to Smell the Roses with Kendra Gaeta

...tion Beyond perfume–who works with scent The Smelly Viles Ghost Hunters of Urban Los Angeles Perfumers Apprentice + Flavors Apprentice (An amazing source for small quantities of scents and flavors) The smell of the International Space Station If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher. Closing...


Saturday Tweets: A Big Excuse to Post Cats with Mustaches

...canyon streets” and “no setbacks” as a negative aspect to architecture and urban design: pic.twitter.com/RbVvKEN4EO — Pushing The Needle (@pushtheneedle) July 27, 2018 URL: https://t.co/zX4xznNBIV — Reader (@readiesresearch) July 22, 2018 Sharing Stuff without Apps – https://t.co/BqjMgOz84H — Eric Rochow (@GardenForkTV) July 22, 2018 How jeans are distressed at the sweatshop https://t.co/svVoG5rTSm — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 27, 2018 Coffee...


Saturday Tweets: Lost in Translation

...ZqcIgDW — Yasha Levine (@yashalevine) April 6, 2019 Two ways to design the urban form of a corner lot – where would you rather spend your time? pic.twitter.com/ZG3sHozeFz — CreateStreetsAmerica (@CStreetsAmerica) April 5, 2019 Meanwhile in Silicon Valley… pic.twitter.com/XrEMg8j7cG — Best of Nextdoor (@bestofnextdoor) April 6, 2019 “If the feds gave state DOTs a free & easy hand to build highways for the past 60 years, they can finally do the same...


Saturday Tweets: Mobile Markets, Big Oil and Public Transit Seat Covers

...ps://t.co/sLRc08vnOk — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 23, 2019 Seeing the Urban Forest for the Trees – Blogs | Planetizen https://t.co/f2FZWJv7BO — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 23, 2019 Thread. https://t.co/lv4UhsW3tJ — The War on Cars (@TheWarOnCars) March 22, 2019 Virginia transit officials tried out Elon Musk’s tunnel in Los Angeles County, and here’s what they took away from it: “It’s a car in a very small tunnel.”https://t.co/mVhMKzMYJ5 —...


Worst of NextDoor

...nity is somehow more “open minded” than other parts of the country or that urban people are more progressive than rural people. These are stereotypes that I’ve been guilty of harboring in the past. We are all, myself included, easily sucked into the sort of hateful trolling that Silicon Valley has found a way to monetize on social media. How do you keep people glued to a website like NextDoor? Just offer the spectacle of your elder neighbors teari...
