That ain’t a bowl full of larvae, it’s crosne!

...n, justifiably, gives me a hard time for growing strange things around the homestead. This week I just completed the world’s smallest harvest of a root vegetable popularly known as crosne (Stachys affinis). Crosne, also known as Chinese artichoke, chorogi, knotroot and artichoke betony is a member of the mint family that produces a tiny edible tuber. While looking like any other mint plant, the leaves have no smell. The tubers look all too much li...


105 GardenNerd’s Tips for Organic Gardening Success on a lot of topics and tips including: Monarch VR CropSwap Time Banking Homestead Hamlet Repair Cafés Sandflex Epic Seeds Baker Creek Seed Savers Exchange Renee’s Garden Summer Spinach National Heirloom Expo Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherry Keeping tomatoes healthy mid-season Powdery mildew When to harvest tomatoes Extending the growing season for tomatoes Mulch Shade cloth Capillary matting Don’t pull your bolting vegetables! Ollas What...


Saturday Tweets: Counting Poultry, Cocktails and Homesteading Without a Garden

80 Ways to Homestead Without a Garden — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 10, 2017 R-PiAlerts: Build a WiFi Based Security System With Raspberry Pis — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 9, 2017 Poultry census results: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 10, 2017 L.A. keeps building near freeways, even though living there makes people sick — Root Simple (@root...


Steve Solomon’s Soil and Health e-Library

...ntains books on “holistic agriculture, holistic health and self-sufficient homestead living” You can download the books for free, but Solomon requests a modest $13 donation. You can find this amazing resource at: The “Radical Agriculture” part of the archive contains many early organic ag classics by authors such as Sir Albert Howard, J.I. Rodale and Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. The “Homesteading” part of the library contains tomes...
