So Much Poultry, So Little Time

.... -Someone needs to put together an urban version of the 4-H club to bring urban agriculture programs to the inner city. Maybe it’s already been done, but from what I’ve been told urban 4-H clubs are all about nutrition, science fairs, and maybe training guide dogs. Kids desperately need contact with nature and animals. Let’s grow some food! But we may need to hippify the uniforms a bit . . . -When the economy hits the skids people start thinking...


Saturday Tweets: Compressed Air, Digging Down and Orange Marmalade

...8,000 acres of urban forest, according to a study published in the journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. via @AnthropoceneMag — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) May 17, 2018 'A pool in the basement is a clear marker of wealth': how the super-rich are digging down — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 15, 2018 More amazing work from garden mosaic master Jeffrey Bale: — Root...


Saturday Tweets: Happy Feet and Sad Feet

...Company – Google is leveraging its significant influence to create entire urban economies dedicated to its own productivity and profitability.” — david a banks (@DA_Banks) July 18, 2019 Our compatriot @GeorgeMonbiot tells it like it is: Driving a gas guzzler is killing urban life and the least cool thing you can do! — MonkeyWrenchGang (@M_WrenchGang) June 23, 2019 “At a certain point, if you’re playi...


How to make your soup wonderful: Wild food soup stock

...ood, but go on to make really good stuff with it. One of their websites is Urban Outdoor Skills, and I like to go there to check out a section called the Food Lab, where they talk about food products they’re experimenting with, and give how-to’s. A few months ago Erik brought home a beautiful bouquet of nettles. I decided to try one of the Food Lab projects that intrigued me — Wild Food Soup Stock Preserved with Salt. This is no more than a bunch...


Our new front yard, part 3: design

...needed smallish, well behaved plants to make something which looked like a meadow. Also, as I discussed before, I didn’t want anything too tall. I wanted a clear view up the slope. Really tall grasses and flowers are part of meadow communities, but not this one. In mine, I wanted everything about knee high or less, with the exception of flower stalks. Sometimes I felt like I was building a model train or something similarly miniature and persnicke...
