Making New Drawers . . . Plus Rants . . . Plus Roland Barthes

...the cabinet into a more rectilinear geometry. This was somewhat of an “off-label” type operation but it worked despite Blum’s admonition that their product is not for retrofitting wonky old cabinets. Next step was to head down to Bohnhoff, my favorite lumberyard to get some hard maple for the drawers. At this point I’m going to plug two things. First, woodworking as a hobby has been eminently practical and I’m thankful that I put in the time to le...


How to save tomato seed

...are bone dry, transfer to envelopes or glass jars for storage. Be sure to label! *I just lost a batch to germination. I blame the heat. It didn’t seem like they’d be fermenting that long, but after I drained my seeds I saw the tiny little white nubbins poking out of the seeds. Now I have to begin again. This is one reason why you should not wait ’til your last tomato to think about saving seeds. Also, this is a reminder to keep a close eye on you...



...preferably from a source that will lend itself to a pretty picture on the label — bottle it, and you’re in the vodka business.” As it turns out there is an art to good homemade moonshine — a far cry from the soulless mouthwash Archer-Daniels-Midlands turns out. Here’s some excerpts from an interview of ex-moonshiner John Bowman conducted by the Coal River Folklife Project from “Tending the Commons: Folklife and Landscape in Southern West Virginia...
