The Real Injera

Homegrown Revolution was delighted to receive a comment from “Watch Woman“, who is from Ethiopia, reacting to the injera recipe we posted earlier, From my experience of baking injera, the baking soda/powder, self-rising flour or commercial yeast alters the real taste & texture of teff injera. I say, the restaurants here in the US have the look alike of the injera, but far from the real taste & texture of injera. Sorry but the truth. Just by using...


Bushcraft Video

...” Or as he says, vid-ee-ohs. You watch him to kick back with a friend. Mr. Homegrown will forgive me for confessing that I have a YouTube crush on this guy. As does my girlfriend, who I turned on to the channel. And she doesn’t even do any of this stuff! Yup, this guy will blush to know he has groupies in LA. I’d recommend: Meet the Bushcrafters: Here he’s telling the story of how he got into this stuff. Shelter and Fire in the Rain — mostly becau...


How to Make Amazake

...nd pleasant beverage that we’re proud to say we made ourselves here at the Homegrown Revolution compound earlier this week. You can find amazake in the isles of upscale health food stores thanks to the same generation of hippies who brought tofu to the flyover states back in the 1960s. Or you can make it yourself and save some dead presidents. Here’s how: 1. Get your Aspergillus orzae in the form of inoculated rice grains called koji. We found our...


Earth Day in LA

...Homegrown Revolution spent Earth Day at the Sierra Club’s first annual Environmental Film Festival in Griffith Park. For those of you who missed it here’s a highlight, Breathless in LA about the plight of folks who live next to the port:...


Fallen Fruit

Homegrown Revolution tagged along on a neighborhood tour with the beige jump-suit clad fruit foraging collective known as Fallen Fruit. Our capable guides, David Burns, Matias Viegener, and Austin Young, led a group of well over fifty folks through a hilly part of Silver Lake just above the 99 cent store in search of street grown loquats, (in great abundance right now) kumquats, oranges, lemons, bananas, carob trees and more. We all ended up back...
