087 Foraging Controversy with Lisa Novick

...isa mentions: Weeds of the West Telling a new story about our urban and suburban landscapes Talking to the neighbors Impact of the drought Design tips from the 2016 Theodore Payne garden tour Theodore Payne plant list Native gardening mistakes Edible California natives California natives in pots Hooker’s Evening Primrose in bloom. Photo: Lisa Novick. If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send a...


Saturday Tweets: DIY Kayaks, Maps and Dragon Anatomy

...able, lightweight, foam kayak (23 lbs). Free DIY kayak plans, the hardware store boat https://t.co/0Cr6dIM31s — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 2, 2016 Having a lot of fun playing with the True Size map of the world. Definitely worth a peek: https://t.co/Zp93jA5jSf — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 1, 2016 9 building materials made entirely from waste products https://t.co/I9msD5K0M7 — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 1, 2016 Almost Every Kind o...


094 The American Woman’s Home

On the podcast this week Kelly and I discuss a 19th century urban homesteading book written by Catherine Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe, The American Woman’s Home. The book was written mostly by Catherine, with some contributions from Harriet (author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin). It’s likely that Catherine realized that attaching her famous sister’s name would sell more copies. Published in 1869, The American Woman’s Home covers a great deal of terri...


103 Ugly Little Greens with Mia Wasilevich

...Mia’s new book Ugly Little Greens. Eating invasives. Working with mustard. Elderflower ghee. Nettle aid. Mallow. Currants. Working with acorns. Lambsquarters. Meal planning. Fish sauce. James Townsend and Two Fat Ladies. Mia’s website Transitional Gastronomy. Cottonwood Urban Farm. If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. You can subscribe to our podcast in t...


On Living in Los Angeles Without a Car: A Debate

...elters here. Bus stops are ill-marked afterthoughts in an already unlovely urban landscape. I stand in the pole shade, wondering if the bus will ever come, and I seethe about the way this city treats its pedestrians. Erik: It’s a stereotype that LA is car-centric. If I had a dollar for every time some out of town journalist drops in here for a weekend and files a report repeating the “nobody uses public transit in LA” mantra I’d be a millionaire....
