Backwoods Home Magazine

...hasis is rural off-grid living, every issue has something to offer for the urban homesteader. The current January/February issue features a detailed article on how city dwellers can maximize their vegetable production in small spaces. Even the article on running a cattle ranch has the side benefit of letting us all know where our food comes from, and the challenges of running a family farm, “Jessica Troxel has donned a plastic sleeve, greased it w...


Saturday Linkages: The Calm After the Storm

...nion/opinion-la/la-ol-getting-jerry-browned-20121024,0,2854852.story … New Urban Velo issue free online: The fox is guarding the hen house! How the sugar industry defends itself against claims that sugar is unhealthy: … Billboard firm wrote L.A. proposal on signs,0,1562494....


038 The Ground Rules with Nance Klehm

...resulting compost along with mushrooms and plants to bioremediate damaged urban soils. Nance describes The Ground Rules as “re-imagining waste and biological infrastructures.” You can find out more about the project on the Social Ecologies website and on Nance’s personal website. There’s also a video about The Ground Rules. If you’re in Chicago you can visit Nance and Emmanual Pratt’s exhibition, For the Common Good: Meet the Remediators. Nance’s...


040 Natural Beekeeper Kirk Anderson

...ees Michael Bush’s method of re-queening a hot hive How to keep bees in an urban environment Why Kirk doesn’t use foundation What’s ailing the bees and what’s wrong with the big beekeepers Movie: More Than Honey Langstroth vs. top bar Kirk’s and Russel Bates’ how-to videos on Youtube Kirk on Facebook If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to You can subscribe to...


What does the loving landscape look like?

...first, was transformed by nature into a sort of secret park known only to urban explorers–and then, beginning in 2006, was refashioned into a much loved public attraction by a team of architects and designers. If you can get your hands on Walking the High Line by Joel Sternfeld, it’s well worth a look to see how nature had gained a strong foothold in on the train tracks before the designers moved in, even though she had to work high in the air on...
