Garlic! Southern California. You just take the large, outer ring of cloves from store-bought garlic and stick them in the ground with the pointed side up interspersed throughout your other plantings–wherever you have some room. We plant them around Thanksgiving and harvest in late May/early June when the stalks begin to turn brown and fall over. After you harvest your garlic, don’t wash it just knock the dirt off, then let it “cure” with the stalks and...


Ten Uses for Palm Fronds

...nds can be made into creepy masks. Get good at this craft and open an Etsy store. 2. Make a roof. Weave them together and you’ve got the perfect roof for your tiki hut. Warning: you’ll need a lot. 3. Make a low quality mulch. Using palm fronds as mulch is somewhat controversial. The stuff takes forever to break down. Our arborist told me that some conventional citrus growers use palm frond mulch specifically because it takes forever to break down....


How to Make Stock

...set up of some kind to separate the cooked bits from the broth. I like to store my stock in canning jars, so I use a canning funnel with a strainer nested inside of it, and pour the hot stock directly into the jars. If you’re not going to use your stock within a few days, freeze it. A few things you probably don’t want in your stock Though I say there are no rules, some veggies have strong flavors that will really dominate the stock, and maybe ta...



...end of a routine day that included such dull tasks as going to the grocery store, the hardware store and a stop by our local Indian buffet, Kelly suddenly felt one of her legs go numb. Thankfully she had the good sense to know that she needed to get to the emergency room. By 9 p.m. she was being prepped for open heart surgery. She pulled through the surgery and her prognosis is good, but she is in incredible pain and is still in the hospital. We t...


What Vegetables Are You Growing This Winter?

...beautiful and much stronger tasting than the stuff at the supermarket. And store bought lettuce wilts instantly. What are you growing this winter? If you’re in a cold climate, do you grow year round? Note: if you’re in the US, Franchi has several distributors. I got my seeds from the Heirloom Seed Store, run by a very nice family that has a farm in Half Moon Bay in Northern California. The seeds I bought are not listed on their website, so you may...
