Planting in a Post-Wild World

...nd I’m not alone. After the long tyranny of the lawn and hedge, there’s a revolution underway. The problem is that for all of our good intentions–us lawn remover types–we don’t necessarily know how to replace the dominant paradigm with something both attractive and sustainable. We have precious few good models to follow. And for all our good intentions, sometimes our efforts fail. Now we have a guide. The basic premise of this book is that the tra...


Saturday Tweets: From Zines to Hedgehogs

...chael Pollan (@michaelpollan) May 10, 2018 Inside The Ecosystem That Fuels Amazon’s Fake Review Problem via @itsnicolenguyen — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 11, 2018 They paved paradise, put up a parking lot and here’s how we can take it back: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 7, 2018 10 herbs you probably haven’t heard of but should grow | Alys Fowler



...preserve and explore the mind boggling biodiversity of fruit trees. And speaking of biodiversity take a look at Noel holding a Rollinia or Biriba, a fruit tree native to the Amazon region that also grows in Florida. Some have described the taste of this fruit as like that of a lemon meringue pie....
