2018: The Year in Review

...cebook I thought I might have been too harsh. In fact, I probably wasn’t harsh enough. As far as 2019 goes, I long ago gave up on New Years resolutions. But I know partly what is in store for 2019: finishing home improvements and working on that neglected garden. How did your year go? What do you have planned for 2019?...


A Better Garage Organizational System

...century. You can still pick some up at almost every lumber yard or big box store here in the U.S. But here’s the thing. It sucks. Even with the little plastic doodads that are supposed to keep the metal hooks from falling out, in my experience, half the time you you go to retrieve a tool off the wall the damn metal pegs fall out. This past week, inspired by an article in Fine Woodworking by Jason Stephens, I decided to put all my furniture buildin...


Los Angeles: A New Beginning

...ed off the road and ground to a halt along side of a mini mall convenience store at the corner of Temple and Alvarado. Who knew that the limo’s algorithms favored raccoons over human passengers? Three hours later an autonomous ambulance pulled up. “I’m Siri the paramedic,” said a disembodied voice emanating from a speaker next to a dirty and stained touch screen. “Are you okay?” “Ugh. I think so,” said the mayor. “But I can’t see.” “An Uber is bei...


Saturday Tweets: A Flying Shame

...il 15, assuming I sell 25 books in advance. If you want to support LastBookstoreinLA, get Team Human through this link. You can pick up the book at the store whenever you like. https://t.co/cnVU2esXZ4 — douglas rushkoff (@rushkoff) February 22, 2019 Swedish 'flying-shame' movement, led by sports personality, now with 30,000 followers, 100% rise in train bookings on some routes, 3% drop in flight bookings: https://t.co/RUyCTARdHA — StopFlyi...
