How I Learned to Stop Hating and Love the Vegan Cheese

...tion. And for good reason. The vegan cheese you can buy at the health food store takes the flavor profile of already bland and awful American cheese and makes it far worse. A vegan cheese I bought recently tastes like what I imaging it would be like to eat a slice of partially dried wood glue mixed with sand. This weekend I had the good fortune of attending a vegan cheese class taught by forager and author Pascal Bauder (a guest on episode 89 of t...


Megabus: Like a Cruise Ship on Land have to check your baggage. The LA to SF route makes a brief stop in Burbank to pick up passengers and then, three hours later, you get a rest stop in the very liminal Kettleman City. The half hour stop gives you a chance to grab a road burrito and other convenience store delicacies or check out the bizarre architecture of Bravo Farms (not actually a farm). From there you travel through scenic Gilroy and make a stop in San Jose and Oakland be...


Saturday Tweets: Linotype, Support Squirrels and an East Hollywood Tower

...1, 2018 It's the last day of #National4HWeek! Stop by a @TractorSupply store to buy a #PaperClover to support sending kids to #4HCamp and #Leadership conferences! #InspireKidsToDo — UCANR California 4-H (@California4H) October 13, 2018 — Cats (@SpaceCatPics) October 7, 2018 Sir John Golafre (died 1442) was a courtier & Knight of the Shire for Berkshire in numerous parliaments. At his death...


Misadventures in Laser Cutting

...egree) to assist in printing the woodcut. We made a trip to the art supply store to get a brayer, paper, and some ink. I fashioned a baren, used to press the paper onto the woodcut, out of scrap wood and a doorknob. Problems We managed to pull two not-so-great prints. The problems fall into two categories: materials and concept. First, I should have sanded the birch plywood before laser cutting. The surface of the wood left too rough an impression...


2018: The Year in Review

...cebook I thought I might have been too harsh. In fact, I probably wasn’t harsh enough. As far as 2019 goes, I long ago gave up on New Years resolutions. But I know partly what is in store for 2019: finishing home improvements and working on that neglected garden. How did your year go? What do you have planned for 2019?...
