Saturday Tweets: Georgia O’Keefe, Rampaging Peacocks and Mango Mania

...ectorswkly — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 27, 2017 How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 26, 2017 Peacock raises havoc in liquor store — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 24, 2017 He Bought a $500 House in Detroit. But It Was Never About the House via @yesmagazine — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 1, 2017...


I Organized My Drill Bits and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

.... Sometimes, if I couldn’t find a bit, I’d buy another one at the hardware store only to find out that I already had that particular size. Last week, as part of the sort of sweeping workshop reorganization that comes with middle age, I vowed to put an end to the madness that was my drill bit drawer. There is not one true path to drill bit storage but rather many paths leading up the organized workshop holy mountain. I am, however, partial to the 2...


117 Raw Milk with David Gumpert

...the author of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Food Rights, The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights and the Raw Milk Answer Book. You can find his blog and sign up for his newsletter at The Complete Patient. One of the things that comes up in the conversation is the dairy episode of the Netflix documentary Rotten. David posted a review of that episode on his blog. If you’d like to leave a question for the Root S...


Netflix Before Netflix: The Tabard Inn Library

...row books for an additional 5¢ per book. The kiosks could be found in drug stores and other retail establishments. Eaton also had a home delivery book service called the Booklovers Library. The scheme didn’t last long but did result in the creation of a huge mailing list that Eaton attempted to use for other businesses. Does this sound familiar? My local Von’s grocery store has a DVD rental service kiosk out front that still gets use. No, I’m not...


An Opening

...plastic sheeting. Put construction debris in plastic bags (the big orange store sells extra thick garbage bags for this purpose). Vacuum like there’s no tomorrow. Here’s what it looked like before (note the cracked drywall sheets that, I discovered, were barely attached to the studs): During: And after: I don’t have a picture, but I removed the studs after confirming that the old header was adequate (it’s not a load bearing wall). The next step w...
