Saturday Tweets: Cat Memelord

...ingle layer for use later in smoothies and ice cream. ☺️ #growyourownfood #homegrown — Gardenerd (@gardenerd1) June 12, 2019 Veselka Bulkan, Munich based embroidery artist #womensart — #WOMENSART (@womensart1) June 13, 2019 This thread checker recommended by @makerprojectlab and @TensorFlux is awesome. Side effects include spending Sunday afternoon sorting random bolts in the shop and realizing...


Growing Potatoes in Tires, causing the growth of more potatoes. An alternate method, suggested by Homegrown Revolution reader Chris, is to dig trenches and mound up earth around the base of the potato plant as it grows. We’ve planted earlier this year, to see if our potatoes will do better in Southern California’s mild spring weather. One disadvantage to this earlier planting might be all the rain we get in January and February. Soggy soil can cause the potatoes to rot...


An Omnivore’s Dilemma Republicans, with a sprinkling of hunters, new moms, city dwellers, suburbanites, and more all united in the common goal of manifesting a better world. Of course such a wide coalition isn’t always going to agree on everything. This week we heard from some animal rights activists amongst our readers who politely took issue with the fact that we keep chickens for eggs. I’ll keep my rebuttal short, hoping that we can stay focused on our common go...


We Are the Festival!

...e festival this Friday. Ride your bike and join them at the Mulholland Fountain at Riverside Drive and Los Feliz Boulevard at 7:30 p.m. From there the plan is to ride through the festival and take back the streets! Unfortunately, Homegrown Revolution will be hob-knobbing with our publisher and won’t be able to attend, but we’ll be on call and ready to put down our cheese plate to bike over just in case a certain city council member needs to be tau...
