The tale of the worm bin celery grown it intentionally. The celery in this post looks very much like my homegrown “cutting celery.” Perhaps commercial celery wants to revert to this? Months later, the hot weather arrived, the celery started to bolt (that is, send up flower stalks). When a plant bolts, it puts all its energy into flowering. At that point, its not much use to us as food. I was sad to lose my bottomless celery supply, but I was excited about the flowers. Pollina...


Earth Day in LA

...Homegrown Revolution spent Earth Day at the Sierra Club’s first annual Environmental Film Festival in Griffith Park. For those of you who missed it here’s a highlight, Breathless in LA about the plight of folks who live next to the port:...


A Self-Watering Container in a Pot

...oes, collard greens and blueberries (note to the DEA: no cash crops at the Homegrown Revolution compound!). With our backyard looking fairly ugly this summer we’ve backpedaled on our earlier strident post about how we don’t care if our patio looks like a methamphetamine lab, and have dressed up one of our SWCs. Here’s how we did it: First we stuck our three gallon self watering container inside of a large pot we had sitting around. Next we filled...


Bushcraft Video

...” Or as he says, vid-ee-ohs. You watch him to kick back with a friend. Mr. Homegrown will forgive me for confessing that I have a YouTube crush on this guy. As does my girlfriend, who I turned on to the channel. And she doesn’t even do any of this stuff! Yup, this guy will blush to know he has groupies in LA. I’d recommend: Meet the Bushcrafters: Here he’s telling the story of how he got into this stuff. Shelter and Fire in the Rain — mostly becau...
