Weekend Linkages: Floored

...hut-ins (Podcast) (@edburmila) May 17, 2021 City, Suburb, Server Farm: the Urban Geography of Amazon A private bar where you can drink, hug, and ditch masks? Welcome to Risky Business in North Hollywood Crime App Citizen is Driving a Security Car Around L.A. and Won’t Say Why Build your own bamboo dome-like structure with giant grass’s zome building kit Why are our cities built for 6ft-tall men? The female architects who fought back Narrative Napa...


Learning to Draw Version 4.0

...and would like to do that again. The takeaway from those classes was the importance of setting time limits and doing sketches that are loose and quick as well as long and detailed. For architectural sketching I’ve been working my way through a new book, Sketch Club Urban Drawing. See above for my warning on shopping for art supplies, but I do really like my Rotring Isograph College Set. It comes with three refillable pens, a mechanical pencil, an...


Saturday Linkages: Late Sunday Edition

...Kohlstedt) March 30, 2021 The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make Urban Fish Ponds: Low-tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities Anywhere but Here: Ponte Tower More than 5,000 people attend illegal party at Tonto national forest in Arizona Weird Zillow listing of the week An internet mystery: someone built a copy of the Borgund Stave Church in Connecticut and the craftspeople weren’t happy with “bossman” Why This Historically Black Clin...


Saturday Tweets: Screens, Model Villages and Walkable Cities

...nterested in the @ucce_la Master Gardener Program? Come out to @OpenSilo‘s Urban Ag Happy Hour next Tuesday, 10/30, from 6-9 to talk gardening and learn about the program! Join us at the Highland Park Brewery, 1220 North Spring Street, Chinatown. pic.twitter.com/HcFwyn8J2F — Rachel Surls (@RachelSurls) October 22, 2018 In the walkable city, people gather in a piazza, square, or plaza. In the automobile city, it’s called an intersection. (And nobod...


The Root Simple 2016 Holiday Gift Guide

...thought I’d offer some suggested gifts, mostly obtainable online, for the urban homesteady types in your life. Most of the links are to Amazon, and we get a small cut of the proceeds, which helps keep our webmaster in kibble. But First . . . Charity Of course, rather than buying unneeded crap that will only clutter our already messy houses, we could agree to give to a charity instead. This season, due to our national “orange swan” event, Kelly is...
