Leave Your Leaves Alone

...lone, and Let The Wild Things In!” Eisenstein has a nuanced view of native gardening noting in the interview that we need to consider a mix of native and hardy non-natives in our urban spaces, Our urban landscape bears little resemblance to pre-development conditions. Consequently, formally local natives may be unable to succeed in these altered environments. What plants are then most appropriate? Rather than looking to a past that is no more, it...


Garden Update Part II: The Good the Bad and a Lot of Ugly

...f blower. There I said it, I have a leaf blower. Yes, a leaf blower is the gardening equivalent of vaping but it does make cleaning up faster. Don’t worry, I leave the leaves in place to enrich the soil. The leaf blower just helps me clear the hardscaping. There’s actually a nice brick patio under the weeds and clutter here. Ugh, more junk. Here’s the nice new patio the Haynes landscaping folks built. The adobe oven is under a blue tarp. Blue tarp...


Saturday Tweets: OMG This is Everything

...| James Wong https://t.co/2Sfd6jJJoa pic.twitter.com/7KLpuWdfVV — Guardian gardening (@guardiangardens) October 8, 2017 Get the details on DTLA Mini Maker Faire: https://t.co/Ru4OqcOwLZ pic.twitter.com/6AJHffDHfm — L.A. Public Library (@LAPublicLibrary) October 9, 2017 Beatrice explaining scientific theories to Dante about the moon’s appearance, from a mid-15th-century manuscript https://t.co/uvPGTk3033 pic.twitter.com/3eqzSKm1XR — Medieval Manusc...


Digital Götterdämmerung

...ill. But your hobby could also be something like sewing, welding, cooking, gardening, volunteering or learning a musical instrument. Reclaim conversation by shutting off the phone. Join something and be a part of a face to face group. Take up a sport. Newport contends that at the end of the month long digital fast you’ll find that services you looked at compulsively will lose their charm. This has already happened to me with Instagram. I took a lo...
