A Better Garage Organizational System

...anges to the workshop I made in order to make it more useful for furniture making such as being sure that I could access my workbench from all sides, as well as improvements to the dust collection system. I can detail these changes in a future post but I’m more interested in showing that a well organized workshop can benefit any activity from sewing to gardening. Taking the time to plan a workspace makes work go much easier. Aesthetics are importa...


On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

...which you were paid to do the things you like to read about on this blog: gardening, beer brewing, jam making, beekeeping etc. Or how about a world in which teachers, nurses and caregivers made more money than tech CEOs? Sadly, we don’t live in that utopia. Instead we have an economy that often rewards people who either do nothing all day or whose work degrades our lives. Anthropologist David Graeber takes up these questions in his book Bullshit...


Saturday Tweets: Ascension K-Mart Choppers

...ip: Don’t touch tomato plants while wet. It increases chances of disease. #gardeningtips #growtomatoes pic.twitter.com/6qyL3hDD5d — Gardenerd (@gardenerd1) May 2, 2019 While the question of whether we are truly alone in the universe remains unanswered, this is certainly a bat, eating watermelon. pic.twitter.com/7LApFHJi7e — Paul Bronks (@SlenderSherbet) May 1, 2019 History of CNC Machining, Part 1: by @bantamtools https://t.co/VOoS6W0bXT — Root Si...


A Sasquatch in the Garden?

I keep a mental note of all the objects I’ve dug up while gardening over the years. The soil surrounding our house has mostly thrown up broken milk bottles from the days of the milkman. I’ve also found a lot of what I think are perfume bottles. Mostly though my shovel hits chunks of long buried concrete. Then I curse. But this week, while we’ve been working on version 5.3 of our difficult to garden steep front slope, I uncovered the strangest obj...


I Can’t Get Adam Curtis Out of My Head

...e that this entire multi-thousand post blog, with all those canning, bread making, gardening, squirrel complaining ramblings are just an excuse for those few times I get to implore readers to watch the latest Adam Curtis documentary? Methinks yes and so I must note that a new Curtis just dropped on the BBC yesterday. “Can’t Get You Out of My Head” is Curtis at his most sprawling and complex. We watched the first episode last night which covers, am...
