Saturday Tweets: Thanksgiving Weekend Edition

...wer #askalys — Guardian gardening (@guardiangardens) November 28, 2015 The LACBC Open House is on Thursday, December 3rd! RSVP and join us to learn what LACBC has been up to! #bikeLA — LACntyBikeCoalition (@lacbc) November 28, 2015 I've always imagined it will be this way, too!: Air travel ain’t what it used to be (Comic) #psychictwins — Root Sim...


Self Watering Barrel Gardens, Aussie style

Gardening Australia did a video, well worth watching, of David de Vries’ self watering containers that he builds for the Red Cross in Alice Springs. De Vries has devised a simple and efficient way to turn drums into gardens. They look good too. We’ve featured self watering containers on our blog and in our books. They are a great way to deal with hot climates and bad soil. And, in many places, drums are as plentiful as people. Thanks to Helen in...


Saturday Linkages: Dia de los Muertos Edition

Storing garden tools with style (aka Zombiewall) #gardening — Timber Press (@timberpress) October 31, 2014 The life-changing magic of Tidying Up — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 1, 2014 Neighbors raise stink about mothball driveway via @BigNewsNetwork — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 30, 2014 Don’t Believe the Headlines: Bike Boom Has Been Fanta...


The Hugelkultur Question

...hould be experimenting, I thought. And we have a pile of wood. But, like a gardening version of Hamlet, I started waffling again. I decided to post the hugelkultur question to the Garden Professor’s Facebook page. One of those horticulture professors, Linda Chalker-Scott is someone who I seek out when writing a magazine article. A civil discussion ensued on that Facebook page, proving that Facebook is good for something other than angry political...
