How to Remove Bees From a Tree

...ives the log filled with bees away to someone who wants to put it in their garden. Hire a beekeeper to do a “trap-out.” This is harder to do and takes at least six weeks. The beekeeper comes after dark and installs a one way exit for the bees. Next to the exit the beekeeper places a hive box with some brood comb (baby bees) in it. The worker bees leave but can’t get into their old home. They take up residence in the new box and make a new queen. I...


Saturday Linkages: Hiding Spots, Bedbugs and Rodents of Unusual Size

...a Leafy Folk Remedy Stopped Bedbugs in Their Tracks Gardening All About Gabions : Cheap Retaining and Other Garden Features New killer compost problem–Imprelis: How to protect plants from frost: Farmers tackle pests with colas: … Rodents of Unusual Size – a documentary about 20-lb rats in Louisiana – Boing Boing htt...


Edible and Tasty Arugula Flowers

Our winter vegetable garden is just about finished. This week I’m going to tear out most of it and plant tomatoes and a few other summer veggies. I may keep some of the arugula that has gone to flower a little longer. Why? arugula flower taste great in salads bees love them arugula self seeds readily The flowers, which taste like the leaves, are a reminder of my favorite time of year: arugula season. Each year I curse myself for not planting more...


Transition Founder Rob Hopkins in Los Angeles

...related displays and interaction in the beautiful Emerson Avenue Community Garden, at 80th Place, Westchester 90045 Festival is free. “Just Doing Stuff” Panel 5:00–7:00pm Rob Hopkins’ talk and conversation with friends: Andy Lipkis, founder and director of TreePeople D’artagnan Scorza, executive director of the Social Justice Learning Institute Meghan Sahli-Wells, Culver City Vice-Mayor and core member Transition Culver City Joanne Poyourow, Initi...
