The Food and Flowers Freedom Act

...cetti introduced a motion to explore allowing “the cultivation of flowers, fruits, nuts or vegetables defined as the product of any tree, vine or plant, and that these products be allowed for use on-site or sale off-site.” A group known as Urban Farming Advocates – Los Angeles, has named this motion the Food & Flowers Freedom Act. We’re asking for your support so that City Hall will change the law quickly and let L.A. become a leading center for u...


Loquat season is here!

...ds upon hundreds (thousands, maybe?) of little yellow-orange fruits. These fruits seem to be nuisances to most homeowners–I rarely see a tree which looks as if it’s being harvested, or if it is, the harvesting does not make a dent in the bounty. After all, how many fresh loquats can you gobble down in a day? All of which is to say I feel no guilt about snagging loquats off of accessible trees as I walk around.* On-the-hoof snacking is one of the p...


What’s the Most Squirrel-Proof Fruit?

...scale ranging from one to five squirrels with five being the most favored fruits and one being the least favored. In the give up all hope category: Figs: Everyone loves figs. Raccoons, squirrels, rats and even Roman emperors. I’ve even seen raccoons, in the middle of the day, feasting on our delicious Mission fig. It’s easy to see why. There’s nothing like a fresh fig. And fig season is so frustratingly short. Kind of like our youth! Apples: We h...


Branch Weaving & Climbing Structure Workshop

...arden installation that will grow native flowers as well as vegetables and fruits. Come and learn about weaving tuteurs, composting, mulching, water harvesting, and large structure wood weaving, and how to make a climbing structure for kids all from found wood. All workshops are led by artist/activist Jeeyun Ha. This is a four part Workshop, where you can attend one workshop at a time or all four. This is Workshop # 2 of 4 Branch Weaving & Branch...


Rain Barrels

...’s still nice to have citrus trees, salad greens, rapini, beets, and other fruits and vegetables that do need supplemental irrigation. For these types of plants it’s possible to supplement municipal water with rainwater collected in barrels. You can purchase commercial barrels made of this purpose, but it’s also possible to construct your own using surplus barrels with the same improvised bulkhead fitting we described in our post on washing machin...
