Casting out the lawn

...onment, rising food costs and the importance of donating to those in need. Urban Farming and Holy Nativity, along with the project’s partners, will have a celebration event on Sunday, June 8. This garden is a partner in the Urban Farming campaign, “INCLUDE FOOD™ when planting and landscaping”. During World War II, twenty million people planted “victory gardens” at their homes. They grew 40% of America’s produce. We did it then, we can do it again....


The Perfect Crisis Vegetable: Prickly Pear Cactus

...then chop and boil the pads for five minutes to reduce the sliminess. Then I fry the pads in a pan with onions. You can also just chop the pads and eat them raw in a salsa with tomatoes, onions and hot peppers. Some other resources from our blog for what to do with prickly pear fruit: A prickly pear fruit cocktail Juicing prickly pear fruit Prickly pear jam recipe If you’re not in our warm and dry-ish region a good resource for other edible peren...


Saturday Tweets: Low Hanging Fruit

Apple Forces Recyclers to Shred All iPhones and MacBooks via @motherboard — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 15, 2018 Should we consider using plants from warmer, more southern climates to help us deal with climate change (assisted migration)? This one study says perhaps not. Resiliency will require us thinking about the full complexity of adaptive plant systems. — Thoma...


Our Disastrous Summer Garden

...lwarts, including a rosemary bush and a culinary sage. Despite all these disasters, I came back from the Heirloom Expo with some ideas: Spend a little less time on Facebook and a little more time in the garden. Come up with better raccoon fortifications. Take out stone fruit that isn’t performing (Kelly has wanted to do this for a long time but I’ve dragged my heels). Take better notes. Improve soil and restart a composting project. Come up with s...


Pakistan Mulberry Fever

...d the room I’d say it’s worth the hassle of harvesting. Note from Mrs. Homegrown: I wanted to add that the odd things about these mulberries is that they have a green stem which runs all the way through the center of the fruit, so when you eat them your sort of scrape the fruit (drupes?) off the stem with your teeth, then discard it. Not that this is a problem–they’re delicious! I guess the stem is necessary to support their length....
