That Sugar Film

...Damon Gameau’s goes on a supposedly healthy diet consisting of things like fruit juices, low-fat processed foods, yogurt and granola bars. Of course, all of these highly processed foods are made palatable with copious amounts of sugar. It’s the well documented Snackwell cookie syndrome: large food corporations have removed fat and replaced it with sugar to better keep us addicted to their products. During the course of the film we watch Gameau’s h...


When it’s time to remove a tree

...h you will be removing for all they have done, for their beauty, for their fruit, their shade, for the homes they’ve given the birds–whatever you have witnessed. Apologize for what you have to do, acknowledge the seriousness of the act, but don’t feel guilty. Instead, feel the rightness of it. Plants understand community and the greater good. We’re the ones who need schooling on that front. If you’re acting with good intent, they’ll understand. If...


Our new front yard, part 2: theory

...picturesque trees– an aesthetic that has shaped what we think parks and suburban yards should look like–no matter where we live. Some people think this bias may even go back to our earliest ancestral memories–to the savannas, where we liked long, clear views so we could spot both dangers and opportunities easily–and handy trees to scramble into if we needed to get away from a predator. Whatever the reason, we like open spaces which are easily read...
