Why I’m Growing Vegetables in a Straw Bale

...n some of the tomato plants showed signs (a lot of leaves and not a lot of fruit) of too much nitrogen. On the other side of that equation I grew some truly monstrous winter squash, enough to feed all the inhabitants of a generously sized cult compound. This time around I’m trying an inorganic approach, substituting the blood meal I used last time for urea. I’m curious to see if I notice any difference other than price (urea is a lot cheaper). Sho...


2018: The Year in Review

...s with blog posts on the Thanksgiving holiday, squirrels eating all of our fruit, hoarding food and books, smart phones, junk mail, open floor plans, as well as proof that I’ve gone full Luddite. Speaking of old Ned Ludd, the most commented upon post was the one in which I announced the deletion of my Facebook account. Let me note that I’ve not regretted it one bit and please allow me to toot my prognosticational horn by noting how news about Face...


Saturday Tweets: Bad Data and Cats

...ries, painted by ellen isham schutt, 1908 pic.twitter.com/gQ3VHURtYH — old fruit pictures (@pomological) January 11, 2019 Franciscus versus his evil opponents. pic.twitter.com/t0a35Kofzg — JESUSISM (@OfCatholics) January 11, 2019 Sad if environmentalists wax poetic about electric individual vehicles rather than examine a basic mass-transit approach. Good for private car capitalists' profits but neither necessary nor justifiable economically, e...


Saturday Tweets: Under New York, Moths and Caturday

...emotional support bicycles” do you think airlines would stop charging extra for flying with them? — Bicycle Lobby (@BicycleLobby) January 25, 2019 terret monstre grapes, painted by amanda almira newton, 1914 pic.twitter.com/jsL3dCRIcy — old fruit pictures (@pomological) January 26, 2019 Happy #Caturdaypic.twitter.com/VPNxplL6MP — Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) January 26, 2019 Demon with bad breath @GallicaBnF Ms-1186 f. 65r pic.twitter.com/CrUNSOXp...


February 2019 Garden Update

...Then plant trees that either feed native wildlife (such as oak) or provide fruit. Think carefully about their placement. Do all hardscaping first and build it out of durable materials. Those retaining walls that failed in the front yard are wood and only lasted 15 years. If you don’t know what your doing hire a professional. It think this would have actually saved money over the years due to hasty and poorly thought out amateur landscaping attempt...
