Saturday Tweets: Georgia O’Keefe, Rampaging Peacocks and Mango Mania’s favorite recipes @guardian @robertegger: — UC Food Observer (@ucfoodobserver) July 1, 2017 House sparrows: They might be cute little songbirds, but they're also opportunistic chicken-feed thieves who can… — Hobby Farms (@hobbyfarms) July 1, 2017 Mango mania hits the capital at 29th annual International Mango Festival featuring 500 varieties, Delhi, India pic.twitter.c...


The problem with polar fleece: it’s in the ocean, it’s in sea creatures, it’s on our plates

...lution in the ocean, they are also consumed by marine life. They enter the food chain. Confused bivalves and shrimp eat this stuff, and we eat them. In short, we are eating our fleece jackets. And nobody knows what health impacts all this ingestion of microplastics will have for us, or the sea creatures. The news first came to me, ironically enough, via Patagonia, purveyors of very expensive polar fleece. They’d commissioned a study on this, which...


Saturday Tweets: Mobile Markets, Big Oil and Public Transit Seat Covers

...s is so great (and a million times better than those ridiculous driverless food delivery pods): Metro Buses Converted Into Mobile Food Markets For Low Income Neighborhoods – — Allison Arieff (@aarieff) March 22, 2019 I just testified as an expert witness to EU Parliament about ExxonMobil’s decades of climate denial + delay. Between being the first major hearing of its kind, a leaked Exxon memo, &...


Our Radioactive Cat

...tments, a special diet or pills, just won’t work well for him. Waiting for food. Radioactive iodine therapy involves one shot and several days at a treatment facility to let the radioactivity levels subside. It doesn’t cause the cat any pain, but they can’t be around people or other animals for a few days. When he gets back we have to minimize contact with him for awhile and scoop out his litter into a bucket that has to sit for a few weeks before...


Thomas Pynchon on Pizza

...I do remember Pynchon’s spot-on description of 1970s era California health food cooking, Prairie worked at the Bodhi Dharma Pizza Temple, which a little smugly offered the most wholesome, not to mention the slowest, fast food in the region, a classic example of the California pizza concept at its most misguided. Zoyd was both a certified pizzamaniac and a cheapskate, but not once had he ever hustled Prairie for one nepotistic slice of the Bodhi Dh...
