022 Mark Stambler on How to Pass a Cottage Food Bill

...onomies Law Center Los Angeles Bread Bakers Facebook pages for the cottage food bill and cottage food businesses: https://www.facebook.com/groups/282510503800/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Creatingyourcaliforniacottagefoodbusiness/ You can find out more about Mark and his bread at stamblersbread.com. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. You can subscribe...


Saturday Linkages: Cat Memes, Food Allergies and a Monteverdi Drop

...How a cat named Smudge’s distaste for salad created one of 2019’s most popular memes Why the world is becoming more allergic to food No One Wants Your Used Clothes Anymore ‘Like sending bees to war’: the deadly truth behind your almond-milk obsession DIY Rolling Umbrella Base A 27-year-old Costco fan loves the store so much he got a logo tattooed and had a birthday party in the food court Music break: Lamento della Ninfa by Claudio Monteverdi...


Bar Codes on Veggies

...see Joel Salatin’s book Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal for more on how food safety regulations, like these, are often just a ruse to put small organic farmers out of business by making them adhere to rules to expensive to follow). This bar code scheme also raises privacy concerns. Will cell phone companies and supermarkets conspire together to gather marketing information on individuals? If I buy a Twinkie will my health insurance rates go up?...


Plum Lemon Tomato Power’s Heirloom Tomato

...peaking of disease, while the FDA missed those loads of melamine laced pet food from China, they did somehow manage to track 1,840 confirmed cases of food-borne illnesses in domestic tomatoes. Again, urban homesteading revolutionaries, GROW YOUR OWN! We found that label and it’s a tomato called “Power’s Heirloom”. Here’s how the Seed Saver’s exchange catalog copy describes it, “First offered in the 1990 SSE Yearbook by Bruce McAllister from Freedo...


Urban Homestead Trademarks Cancelled!

...es that helped publicize Coyne and Knutzen’s book, as well as the Facebook page of a Denver farmer’s market. In 2011, EFF and Winston & Strawn petitioned the USPTO on behalf of Coyne, Knutzen, and book publisher Process Media, asking for the trademarks’ cancellation. “The words and phrases we use every day to describe basic activities should never be the exclusive property of a single person or business,” said EFF Legal Director Corynne McSherry....
