Saturday Linkages: Insect Hotels, Edwardian Hipsters and Biomorphic Light Fixtures

...3/06/good-yard-or-bad-yard-garden-design-pitfalls-2.html … Q & A – Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land Edwardian stunt bikers – in pictures Interactive Light Sculpture Moves Just Like a Living Creature | Designs & Ideas on Dornob … Plans for Lightweight Dinghies


Pee on your Compost

...nyone who owns a dog already knows about. Urine is easiest to apply to non-food crops, though it’s perfectly safe to use on fruit trees and bushes. Applying it to root crops is more controversial, and frankly seems like a practice best left to hippies, so if you try this at least cease application at a respectable interval before harvesting. There is even a book called Liquid Gold on the subject of pee as fertilizer and the ever more resourceful E...


A Tour of the Homegrown Evolution Compound crap. We try to plant things that do well in our climate and provide food, medicine or habitat for birds and beneficial insects. But we’ve made plenty of mistakes, and continue to do so. We’re survivalists. Can we live off our yard? No. Can we make a meal with stuff from the yard? Yes, but we go to the supermarket just like everybody else–there’s no room for a wheat field after all, nor do we grow coffee or a host of other necessary staples....


More on that nice rooftop garden . . . a note to say that he kept a diary about the process that you can read here, via the Daily Kos. Bruce also mentioned a few other interesting links: Humanure Composting via Feral Scholar A fiery essay, The Politics of Food is Politics via Counterpunch and A 35-Point Practical Guide for Action by Bruce himself Thanks Bruce F! And we’ll be back soon after we recover from our weekend trip to the emergency room (kidney stones–ouch!)....


More Cargo Bike Porn

...just in case the shit comes down and there’s no way to charge the carts. Of course by that time we’ll have ripped up the courses to plant food and Tiger will use his swing to wield a scythe....
