Saturday Linkages: Beer Caps n’ Plants … Plants! Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land Transmitted light photos of houseplants:… … grounded design by Thomas Rainer: Noel Kingsbury: The Ghost in the Machine


Straw Bale Garden Part III: Adding Fertilizer

...a, on philosophical grounds, but blood meal, a byproduct of our industrial food system, doesn’t make me feel much better. Urea would be a lot cheaper. Perhaps the best solution would be human urine. Throw a week-long party, serve a lot of beer and invite your guests to fertilize your bales! Undiluted human urine has an NPK ratio close to that of blood meal. Those of you who have experimented with straw bale gardens please leave a comment on what f...


Initial Thoughts on the Age of Limits 2013 Conference

...bad it’s in our interest to build community, grow gardens and eat healthy food. Back to Kelly: As Erik says, we’re both agnostics in terms of outcomes. We know it looks bad, but we won’t make bets on when, where or how the badness, or the various badnesses, will manifest. It seems a poor bet to try to predict the behavior of any enormously complex system. But just because we don’t know exactly what’s going to happen doesn’t mean that we’re not go...


Saturday Linkages: Makers, Haters and Beekeeping Donkeys

...zilian model offers post storm hazard tree assessment: Food Preservation Homemade Cranberry Jelly and Pickled Cranberries … Makers Step-by-Step Tiny Home Design & Construction … Open Source Ecology’s “Build Yourself”:
