Help Plant a Garden — and Help a Local Eagle Scout

...ith an (exuberant) team of young scouts and to help get another section of food gardens built. Start time is 9am, and we’ll continue all day until it’s done. Bring your own garden gloves. If you’d like to help with assembling benches, bring your own toolbox. Although much of the project site is in the shade, we recommend sun hats / sun protection. The Garden is at 6700 West 83rd in Westchester – Los Angeles 90045. Please RSVP if you can come. If y...


Saturday Tweets: Urine Tanned Leather, Grass Huts and Unpleasant Design — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 6, 2016 New School Farm #Ventura inspired by WWI + future farmers #30Under30 #globalfood #schoolfood — UC Food Observer (@ucfoodobserver) July 2, 2016 The ‘Holy Grail’ for earthquake scientists has been accidentally destroyed — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 8, 2016...


Stoicism as a Toolkit for Modern Life

...iques for keeping our heads screwed on straight in troubled times. Growing food, doing stuff with your hands, drinking homebrew with friends–all these kinds of things help keep us grounded and hopeful. But sometimes you need a little more help. Maybe we’ll call these posts “When chickens aren’t enough.” Whether the world is ending or not, it’s important to have a tool kit for dealing with stress and anxiety. Stoicism, an ancient form of philosophy...


I made soup out of a Halloween pumpkin and it didn’t completely suck

...uld make delicious soup out of cat litter with coconut milk and hot pepper flakes. Of course that same soup would taste a lot better made with a kabocha squash. And Halloween pumpkins make great worm food. But I was reasonably pleased with the soup, especially after it had mellowed in the fridge for a day. How was your Halloween? What do you do with the leftover pumpkins?...


Easy Scandinavian-Style Bread

...of bread, as a matter of fact. Fluffy bread doesn’t really seem like real food to me anymore, and white fluffy bread tastes like cotton candy. Of course, I’m spoiled because Erik is a baker, so he makes me delicious, black hole-dense loaves of sourdough rye. Or at least, he used to. Now he’s on crutches, trying to recover from a bad case of Plantar fasciitis. This means he’s not doing anything in the kitchen anymore, and my bread supply is gone....
