Free Vermicomposting Workshop in Pasadena

...don’t need a lot of worms. The key is to provide the ideal environment and food to support their innate capacity to multiply exponentially). 100% of the proceeds from all items you purchase will be given to the Beta Epsilon/University of the Philippines relief project.*** PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you would like a starter kit so I can get the materials and make only what will be needed. What to bring: Garden gloves, if you prefer not to use your hands...


Sweet Potatoes for Breakfast

..., but I’m awful tired of them. 3) Sweet potatoes are a much vaunted “super food”. Primarily, they are incredibly rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. So high, in fact, I wondered if I might OD on vitamin A from eating them daily. The answer is no. You cannot harm yourself from eating too many sweet potatoes. You can take too much A in pill form, or too much cod liver oil, and you can kill yourself outright eating Retinol packed polar bear liver (s...


Mown and Blown: The Problem With Leaf Blowers

...and brutally pruned hedges. These water hungry landscapes provide neither food, beauty or habitat. (They are also not enjoyed by people: half of the suburban participants in a UCLA study of home life in SoCal never went into their backyard. Another 25 percent went outside for a few minutes a week.) Yet this style of landscape is our dominant style of landscape because the homeowner doesn’t need to think about it, and the maintenance crews can mov...


Saturday Linkages: Goats, Chainsaws and a Big Blue Rooster

...MVDFUSEE/chainsaws-can-we-talk.html … Home Canning Hobby Leads to Near-Fatal Medical Emergency Big blue cock erected on fourth plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square We’re all gonna die Our Coming Food Crisis A fresh perspective on alleged pesto outbreak in Italy … The Blip http://nym...
