Can our landscapes model a vibrant future? Not according to the LA DWP. not feeling it in the cities. Our water is cheap, the taps are running, food prices aren’t terribly affected– yet. So we keep washing our cars and hosing off the sidewalks and topping off our swimming pools and, of course, we water our lawns. Lawns are a big liability in this region. I think they may not be such a crime in milder, wetter places where they grow happily (though there’s no getting around the fact that they are a sterile monocultur...


Creating a Moon Garden

...e. That Bornstein considers the sound of leaves in the wind at night, should give you an idea of her appreciation for detail in garden design. And it’s nice to know that after we go to sleep our gardens can provide food and shelter for the creatures of this earth that work the night shift. Angelinos should check out the NHM’s Summer Nights in the Garden series of events, as well as their many classes and activities....


Flowers from Vegetables amazing flowers different vegetables make. People with no connection to food plants whatsoever may not even know that vegetables make flowers, so it’s fun to show them a carrot flower, a squash blossom, a bean flower. My new favorite garden flower comes off an old Italian chicory plant left to go riot. I’m not sure which chicory it is, but it’s one of those long-leaved, bitter greens beloved in Italy and sold by Franchi seeds. It’s easy to grow...


Help! Small birds are eating us out of house and home! we sparking a goldfinch obesity crisis? Our yard does have more natural food sources, like native sunflowers and white sage gone to seed. Perhaps we should have left it at that? ( I suspect we’re not going to win any permaculture awards for our feeder.) Bird people, help! What are your thoughts on feeders? Is it okay to leave the feeder empty sometimes? Does that encourage foraging, or is it just not very nice to be random about the filling? Is...


011 Cleaning, Long Crowing Roosters and Water Storage Question: Water Storage for Emergencies A correction to the podcast–the Food Safety Advisor is not free to download, but the information on water storage that I reference can be found here. Amazon link to the water storage container we use. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher. The them...
