Solar Oven Triumph: Fluffy Egg Strata long any dish should spend in the oven. Imagine if back when you were making your first batch of cookies, your mom’s old Betty Crocker told you they would be done anywhere between one and four hours. Or perhaps the recipe would not even include a time or temperature recommendation, but just said the cookies would be done when they were done. Can you imagine your tears? Welcome to solar cooking. Recipes are guidelines or even hints rather than...


Saturday Tweets: Happy Feet and Sad Feet — Sam Jacob (@_SamJacob) July 16, 2019 True cost of cheap food is health and climate crises, says commission — Julie Smith (@foodmarketday) July 16, 2019 I’m assuming L.A. bike and housing twitter have seen the opening of Americathon. It’s a dream and a nightmare. — Sean Meredith (@seanmeredith) July 15, 2019 We’re testing more AVs than ever and traffic deaths keep going up đŸ“ˆ We’re ma...


Digital Farming- What’s The Deal?

...astoral life. I’m not sure I get this. I spend all day outside in the dirt making things grow. At sundown, I lock up the chickens. Then I harvest something to make into dinner or on a special evening, I’ll make a big batch of jam or sauce and spend hours canning. I’d rather spend as little time online as possible. I can’t wrap my head around how a video game can in any way replicate the experience of farming. I may be an urban dweller, but I get m...


Seed, nut and fruit energy bars mix roughly 50% dried fruit with 50% seeds and nuts of your choice in a food processor until it forms a dough which will hold shape. If necessary, add more fruit or nuts until you reach this consistency. This stuff is very forgiving–you have a lot of leeway. How much should I usee, you ask? 1 cup to 1 1/2 cups of each is enough to start with. (Yes, you do need a food processor, though I suppose you could cowboy this whole thing using a mortar a...
