Growing Your Own Food is Like Printing Your Own Money: Ron Finley’s TED Talk

Please take a moment and watch gangster/guerrilla gardener Ron Finley’s inspiring Ted talk. I first heard about Ron after he got busted for planting a vegetable garden in what used to be a weed strewn parkway. He’s gone on to plant many more gardens around Los Angeles. The end of this talk really hit home for me, “Don’t call me if you want to sit around and have meetings. If you want to meet with me come to the garden with your shovel so we can p...


Defining a Garden’s Purpose

...eir merely symbolic role? The space is there, shouldn’t we use it? Growing food would certainly be one option that we’ve talked a lot about on this blog. But what about apartment buildings and difficult spaces where growing food isn’t practical? Organic Mechanics Succulents in the Organic Mechanic’s garden. The first stop on the Garden Blogger’s Fling was to a garden designed by Sean Stout and James Pettigrew (who, together, run a landscape design...


The Sound of Fast Food

Sometime in the aughts I discovered that you could listen to the wireless order transmissions from a nearby In and Out Burger near where I worked. I recently discovered some recordings I made and I’ve posted them to for all of you to enjoy. For those of you outside of the Western U.S., In and Out is a culty burger chain with an elaborate secret language customers in the know use to unlock variations on the simple menu. You’ll hear som...
