Saturday Tweets: Working Dogs and Expensive Raccoon Meat

...ple) February 12, 2015 What to do in the garden this month? Nothing. via @sharethis — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 12, 2015 LA Health Officials Take Action After Local Supermarket Sells Raccoons As Food « CBS Los Angeles — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 12, 2015 Check out I Parked In A Bike Lane Sticker from iparkedinabikelane! — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 10, 2...


Everything Must Go Part II: Books

...y bought at least eight of them. And he noted that I had gotten rid of The Food Journal of Lewis & Clark that he had gifted to me over the holidays. A lot of the books that I purged can only be described as 90s geek-boy paranoia. If you’d like some of those 90s books plus a few outdated poultry care books, get thee to the Edendale library book sale on Wednesday. That’s assuming our local hipsters haven’t scooped up all my books in a fit of 90s nos...


Saturday Tweets: Holiday Edition

...rubx5kH6J — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 19, 2014 5 ways to NOT give food poisoning to friends & family during holidays, via @ucanr #globalfood — UC (@UofCalifornia) December 18, 2014 The faces of Mexico’s farm labor incredible photos by @dbartletti @latimes cc @PulitzerDotOrg — Civil Eats (@CivilEats) December 18, 2014 Bitter Greens http://t....


Talking About the Weather

...ld. Severe drought makes our weather newsworthy. California grows a lot of food. In an essay about talking about the weather, Samuel Johnson reminds us that “it is the present state of the skies and of the earth, on which plenty and famine are suspended, on which millions depend for the necessaries of life.” Due to the increasing weirdness of our weather I nervously check the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s forecasts with greater...
