Saturday Linkages: Sidewalk Koi, Papercrete, Jaywalking and How to Grow Fresh Air … Secret Garden of Survival – How to Grow a Camouflaged Food Forest … How Flora Grubb and an Airport DJ Saved My Soul by Allen Bush … Troubles On Rooftops, a Rival for Utilities The Invention of Jaywalking Wa...



...yesterday. When we first tried doing this a few years ago we were afraid to eat the results. In fact, we should all be afraid not to eat lacto-fermented foods, as they provide beneficial microorganisms essential for our health. Lacto-fermentation does not lend itself to our industrialized food system, with its emphasis on cheap, shippable commodities, which is why these traditional types of pickles are rare outside of expensive health food stores...


Seeds are from Mars

...exico based company back in 1989, launched a series of organic convenience foods in Europe in 1996 and was purchased by Mars Incorporated, a family owned snack food company in 1997. Last year Mars partnered with Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway (check out that retro B-H website!) to buy Wrigley and create a ginormous financial candy bar. Mmmm, cashy nougats! One of the founders of Seeds of Change, Howard-Yana Shapiro, now serves as director of p...


I’ve Flown the Coop

...I’m at a two day poultry seminar sponsored by the California Department of Food & Agriculture. The point of my attendance is to learn good husbandry practices and share them with you, our dear readers. I’ll break down the voluminous information into a series of future blog posts. The takeaways from yesterday’s session: Buy chickens that have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease. This is the most common problem with backyard chickens and it’s entire...


Saturday Linkages: Don’t seek the truth – just drop your opinions

...… Thoughtstylings Heirloom Apples, Heritage Orchards & Cideries Bring Back Food Diversity and Jobs to Our Communities World Food Day: A Franciscan Prayer Service on Behalf of Farmers, Farmworkers & Fishers in a Year of Drought Zen saying: Don’t seek the truth – just drop your opinions. Health and Fitness Fencing may help improve some cognitive functions in older people – Los Angeles Times
