Book Review: An Everlasting Meal

...uidelines on roasting vegetables–everyone should know how to roast a pan of vegetables. It’s good eating and it’s so simple. Adler does a great job teaching the hesitant cook to be unafraid of food, to bring playfulness and invention and sensuality into the kitchen. She teaches love and deep respect for the food, but not awe. And that is a Good Thing....


Saturday Linkages: Cheapskates and Controversy!

What happens when you Instagram airline food. Photo by John Walton. Cheapskates Three Friends Make An Attempt to ‘Live Below the Line’ … How to make a cake pan banjo: … Controversy Is Michael Pollan a sexist pig? … In Defense of Mic...


Climate Change and Personal Responsibility

...Life on the Planet Permanently vs. Riding the Bus (or committing to local food or flying less or setting your thermostat low or buying used clothing or whatever equally scary measure you’d like to propose) It really doesn’t seem like such a hard choice to make. It may indeed be politically unfeasible. I’ve long stopped looking to the national level for meaningful action or leadership. But we can do a lot on a personal level. We can start a people...


The tale of the worm bin celery

...tale of botanic dumpster diving and another reason why you should let your food plants go to flower when you can. Last year I threw the crown (which is to say, the bottom) of a celery plant in my worm bin. I probably should have chopped it up for the worms’ sake, but I didn’t. Later, sometime in the fall, I rediscovered the celery crown. Instead of rotting in the bin, it had sprouted leaves and looked surprisingly vigorous. So I pulled it out and...
