005 Amy and Vince of Tenth Acre Farm

...ive brake bleeder. This is a cool and low cost alternative to the electric Food Saver vacuum sealer. And Amy discussed her provocative post on why they don’t keep chickens. According to Amy, homesteading is “more of a marathon than a sprint.” They are in it for the long hall. We conclude by having Vince and Amy answer a Listener question about living a sustainable life in a cold climate (something we know nothing about!). Amy mentions growing frui...


De-Cluttering for DIYers, Homesteaders, Artists, Preppers, etc.

...hout power or water.) Your family will be more comfortable eating familiar foods like tuna, peanut butter, soup, grains and beans and home-canned goods during an emergency than they would eating weird emergency rations. You won’t have to worry about expiry dates, because you’ll using these pantry basics constantly and replacing them as you go. Don’t forget to stock up for your pets, too. Make your emergency preparedness first-aid kit your everyday...


Saturday Linkages: Wind Maps, Wildlife Gardens and Other Obsessions

...Globalization http://garynabhan.com/i/archives/2613 The fear of bees http://www.honeybeesuite.com/the-fear-of-bees/ … Is fall fertilization a good idea? http://blogs.extension.org/gardenprofessors/2014/09/22/what-about-fall-fertilization/ … Fast Facts about Cutting Boards and Food Safety in Your Kitchen (from The Abstract) http://barfblog.com/2014/09/fast-facts-about-cutting-boards-and-food-safety-in-your-kitchen-from-the-abstract/ … Beautiful Ca...


Free Online Gardening Lectures from the University of California

...watch?v=LcB10xujAIU I just got back from a combined Master Gardener/Master Food Preserver conference put on by the University of California Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (I became a Master Food Preserver back in 2012 thanks to a truly awesome training program put on by our local Extension Service and taught by Ernest Miller, a guest on episode 14 of our podcast). I’ll share some of what I learned at the conference in the coming w...


A new spice sensation in the Root Simple kitchen

...ught about combining them before, perhaps because they come from different food families, so to speak. So many wasted years! Now they’re going on nuts, seeds, popcorn…maybe as a fish crust. Oh, the things we shall do! Gochugaru, Korean red pepper powder (also referred to as red chile flakes), is a deep red, coarse powder or flake. Its flavor is spicy, smokey and a little bit sweet. It’s easy to fall in love with this stuff all on it’s own. Gochuga...
