Saturday Linkages: Solar Projects, John Cage and Cat Litter

...child’s Draisienne – the Frosta bicycle – IKEA Hackers Urban date foraging: … No Men Allowed! Women Build Own Backyard Sheds … Semi-Underground House in Austin, Texas


Picture Sundays: California Bike Map 1895

...Via Paleofuture: The 1895 map rated each road for its condition: Good (G), Fair (F), Poor (P), and Very Poor (VP), as well as rating its grade: Level (L), Rolling (R), Hilly (H), and Mountainous (M). Even a cursory glance at the map below shows that a good, flat road was rare — especially outside of California’s urban areas....


Saturday Linkages: An Egg Shaped Houseboat, Bamboo Joints and the Origins of Umami … #Williamsburg vacant lot transformed into bike course and urban farm: Japanese beetle traps—a reconsideration by James Roush … Lifehacking Whole Life Integration: Tips To Simplify Nearly Everything In Your Productive Home


How Much Can You Carry on a Bicycle?

...s to climb hills even with heavy groceries. One need not be car-free to enjoy a cargo bike. For many years Kelly and I shared a car. The Xtracycle was a big part of making that car-light arrangement work. When people ask if urban homesteading saves money, the first thing I point to is the cargo bike, not the chicken coop. The problem? Cargo bikes are not nearly as sexy as the Playboy Land Yacht. That’s a problem I’ll get to in a future post....
