Bike Lane Blocking, An Angry Rant and Something You Can Do

...xy and often politically unpalatable work of installing bus only lanes and making the city more pedestrian and bike friendly, seems to think that the future lies in a techno-optimist future of flying cars and private tubes as peddled by Elon Musk. Instead of improvements we could have right now (all a bus lane takes is a line of paint) we’re waiting for a future that will never come. I’ve held off writing this post for years but I can’t stay silen...


Got a Critter Question?

...Our guest on the next episode of the Root Simple Podcast will be Lyanda Lynn Haupt, author of The Urban Bestiary: Encountering the Everyday Wild. We’re interviewing her tomorrow (Thursday) so if you have a question about coyotes, moles, raccoons, opossums, squirrels, rats or any of the other creatures that visit our urban backyards, leave a comment....


Saturday Linkages: Bow Drills and Cramped Apartments

...h Magazine Gardening The End of Molasses Malarkey: DIY Making Wooden Spoons … Low-Tech Wonders Hand powered drilling tools and machines: … Endless Rope Drives:


107 Urban Beekeeping with Terry Oxford

...systemic neonicotinoid pesticides such as Imidacloprid. Terry’s website is Urban Bee San Francisco. We get into a lot of topics including: Keeping bees on rooftops in San Francisco Ants and small hive beetles Natural beekeeping Splitting Natural beekeeper Michael Bush’s website Pesticide activism Treatment of nursery trees with neonicotinoids Senate bill 602 that would have required labeling of nursery plants treated with neonicotinoids How the Ca...


Saturday Tweets: Urban Ag, Climate Change and Gifts from Birds

...lagers' secret weapon: Growing their own food — Homesteader Supply (@HomesteadSupply) July 9, 2015 Debate truly over. Only ONE #climate scientist (of over 9K) published in 2012 & 2013 didn't attribute it to human activity. #CRinCanada — Brendan Seale (@bseale) July 9, 2015 Bees are losing their habitat because of climate change via @TIME — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 9, 2015 Episcopal Church...
