These Cheese Puffs are Gangsta

...ys come back to the evergreen Onion gag about Nike supposedly giving up on making shoes and just doing ads. Maybe Snoop has strayed too far from his musical roots, what with his cavorting with Martha Stewart, chilling with Rick Caruso and clowning around at the Olympics. Perhaps, like the future shoe-free Nike company, he should swear off the music (if he hasn’t already?) and ascend to the realm of pure signs. Whereas we may have previously imagin...


Disaster Nationalism: A Politics of Cleansing Violence

...d to ailments such as cardiovascular disease rather than to the conditions making people vulnerable to the disease. If one wasn’t tuned in to politics, one might have been aware of losing a loved one, of misfortunes piling up, of the quality of life generally getting worse, without having a face to put to the crime. In those circumstances, resentment might either remain below the threshold of awareness or settle on a personal or political scapegoa...


Masters of Carpentry at Japan House

...k of respect for the craft of carpentry. As I’ve learned from my furniture making hobby, carpentry requires a combination of physical stamina, a sense of design and a hand/eye finesse similar to playing a musical instrument. Nishiyama noted that we consider the trades as lesser than going to college and this attitude needs to change. In particular, the complex joinery involved in Japanese temple architecture demonstrates a high level of skill and...


Our Phoebe is gone

...till burned in her eyes, and it killed a part of us to have to put it out. Making the decision to euthanize a pet is one of the most difficult of decisions to make. We’ve never had to do it before, because our previous pets having been lost in other ways. My heart goes out to all of you who are now remembering putting down your own pets, or who are contemplating that future possibility. Ending suffering is the right thing to do, but oh, it is a ha...


Don’t Worry About the Boule: Bake Bread in a Loaf Pan

...ooks more like a pancake than an Instagram worthy boule. But if you’re not making bread for the ‘gram, you don’t have to do a boule or batard unless that really floats your boat. There’s nothing wrong with baking in a loaf pan. Sometimes it’s kinda nice to have a square loaf for sandwiches anyways. The pan I have is a Pullman pan made by USA Pan. It’s square and has a lid. The lid is especially handy in that you can do the first 20 minutes of the...
