Saturday Linkages: Bus Offices and Secret Doors … Ancient wheat: making a comeback … Soul Searching The secret to feeling like you have more time available – Boing Boing … Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (review):


Fruit Tree Update: Flavor Delight Aprium

...r house in 1998.* Thankfully though, we got our act together eventually. In 2011, we put in a call local fruit tree expert Steve Hovfendahl for some suggestions. His advice was based on what would grow in our warm climate as well as fruit tasting results conducted by the Dave Wilson nursery. It’s been over two years since we planted the trees Hovfendahl suggested and they are just beginning to bear fruit. We ordered one too many trees and had to s...


Saturday Linkages: Battling Herbicides, Solar Wall Ovens and Jaywalking

...lar Wall Ovens Wilson Solar Grill for outdoor cooking … America’s public transit routes, mapped: … LA residents: The city offers free native trees for street planting. Coast Live Oaks are approved as street trees!



...ating inflammation. The seed pods can be pressed to produce a high quality cooking oil. The leaves are also edible and the plant is drought tolerant and will grow in poor soil. Native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas, the Moringa tree is cultivated in many parts of Asia as well as Mexico and Africa. Here’s what Wikipedia says: The immature green pods, called “drumsticks” are probably the most valued and widely used part of the tree. They...


Build a Rocket Stove

...tions in third world countries through the development of low cost, simple cooking and heating technologies have developed a number of rocket stoves that you can build for your urban homestead. They have a simple model called the VITA Stove made with sheet metal (note the better soundtrack music on the video) and an institutional model made with a 50 gallon drum. We think we’ve found a use for all those fallen palm fronds . . . rocket stove cookin...
