Social Media as a Homesteading Tool

...em like tracking devices with phone privileges to me. Perhaps some of you will show me the smart use of a smart phone. But I also believe the Luddite path is a dead end. If you write a homesteading/gardening/cooking/home ec blog, or know of a good one leave a link to it in the comments. And friend Root Simple in Facebook here....


Low-Tech Magazine

...ur favorite articles: How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware How to Downsize a Transportation Network: The Chinese Wheelbarrow If We Insulate Our Houses, Why Not Our Cooking Pots? Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, Not Spaces Recycling Animal and Human Dung is the Key to Sustainable Farming...


The Best Raw Flax Cracker Recipe

...ould all eat some raw food, but many nutrients are accessible only through cooking. That being said, I like a few recipes that came out of the raw craze, especially flax crackers. My favorite flax cracker recipe is the onion cracker bread you can find here. This easy to make recipe requires no pre-soaking or sprouting. All you do is mix the ingredients (onions, flax seed, sunflower seeds, olive oil and agave syrup) in a bowl and spread it on a tra...


The tale of the worm bin celery fine. All winter long I used this plant as the basis of my cold-weather cooking–chopped onions, carrots and celery in the bottom of every pot. It was a real treat not to have to buy celery for such a long time, and to have that flavor available whenever I wanted it. I should add that the leaves were just as flavorful as the stalks As a side note, I’ve heard of a breed of celery made to work precisely this way, called cutting celery, but I’ve ne...


Cast Iron Cookware Class at Winnetka Farms

...story of cast iron cookware. Techniques and use of cast iron There will be cooking demonstrations (tastings) and discussion of the special techniques and uses of this timeless kitchen tool. Cleaning and Maintenance Very importantly the cleaning and maintenance of your cast iron cookware. While there are many theories regarding cleaning and maintaining cast Iron, I’ll discuss and demonstrate the system I adhere to after many years of experience. Re...
