Salt Sugar Fat

...ustry representatives in the latte half of the 20th century. Lessons about cooking from scratch receded and were replaced by how to use cake mixes and shop for appliances. But the primary focus of the book is how food industry has found ways to amplify our cravings. They’ve carefully calculated “bliss points,” the exact amount of unhealthy ingredients to add to a particular food to make us desire more. Moss quotes Kraft food CEO Geoffrey Bible, Th...


Notes on Mark Bittman’s “Behind the Scenes of What We Eat”

...lready doing– just like us. You’re trying to support local farmers. You’re cooking from scratch and eating whole foods. You’re trying to source ethically raised dairy products and meats. You’re growing some of your own food. All of this is important. Michael Pollan’s advice–Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants— is pretty much the same as Bittman’s recommendations. (I wonder if Pollan and Bittman hang out? Maybe Bittman crashed on Pollan’s sofa du...


Saturday Linkages: Battling Herbicides, Solar Wall Ovens and Jaywalking

...lar Wall Ovens Wilson Solar Grill for outdoor cooking … America’s public transit routes, mapped: … LA residents: The city offers free native trees for street planting. Coast Live Oaks are approved as street trees!


Saturday Linkages: Bitters, Dogs and Native Plants

...2/we-only-bond-with-complex-landscapes.html … How To Make Homemade Bitters Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn … 100 Years of Dog Breed “Improvement” Los Angeles Was Once a Forest of Oil Derricks … Full-color handout for plant-based eating. Tips for foo...


Delicious Cauliflower

...It’s a good, reliable book. Lately I’ve been on a deep Middle Eastern jag, cooking out of this book every day. Erik is in hog heaven, because he hasn’t had to cook in weeks. I’m in heaven because I’m eating exactly what I’m craving. Anyway, back to the cauliflower. It’s an easy recipe that comes from north-west Syria, where, according to the author, it is considered a regional specialty. It has a lovely, rich flavor. I never knew tomatoes and caul...
