Thomas Pynchon on Pizza

...on. Blog reader BLDinMT left a kind comment responding to my silly post on cooking out of the Café Gratitude cookbook which triggered a memory of a passage in Thomas Pynchon’s novel Vineland. I don’t remember much about the novel but I do remember Pynchon’s spot-on description of 1970s era California health food cooking, Prairie worked at the Bodhi Dharma Pizza Temple, which a little smugly offered the most wholesome, not to mention the slowest, f...


Three California Natives that Double as Culinary Herbs

...ger tasting than its cultivated cousins. You need to use it sparingly when cooking with it. Our neighbor has one that made it through our multi-year drought without a drop of water. When you grow it in a garden it’s best to prune it back every year to prevent it from getting rangy looking. You can use the cuttings as smudge sticks or dry them for use in the kitchen. White sage is over-harvested in the wild for the crystal shop smudge stick market...


095 Bean Holes and Deep Fried Turkeys with Eric Rochow of Garden Fork

...he corner in the US it’s time to rock the friends and family with some new cooking traditions. How about baking beans in a hole or deep frying your turkey? I discuss these topics, plus how to plant garlic with Eric Rochow of Garden Fork. Eric’s got some great how-to videos: Bean Hole Baked Beans 10 Tips on How to Fry Turkey Cooking Steak on Charcoal How to Plant Garlic Source for garlic: Filaree Farm Build it Better Yourself (Rodale) Make sure to...


Solar recipe review: Moroccan Chickpea Tagine (Works on the stovetop, too)

...cautious with any recipe found on the internet, but since I’m new to solar cooking my radar that tells good recipes from bad is impaired. Witness a truly appalling, chalky, brick-like cornbread I made a couple of weeks ago, following instructions found on some random prepper type site. Inedible solar cornbread. I shudder in remembrance. Meanwhile, even if I haven’t loved every recipe I’ve tried at the Solavore site, none I’ve tried are technical f...


Quarantine Meals From Jennie Cook

...ed back to what she used to do: cook home meals for pickup and delivery. Her food is delicious and the portions are generous. If you live in the Los Angeles area consider ordering some food from her. It will support Jennie and her employees and you’ll get a break from cooking. On Saturday Jennie sent over a package with an Easter ham dinner. While I’ve enjoyed cooking from scratch for the past four weeks it was nice to have a special meal for a ch...
