Erik on WFAE’s Charlotte Talks

...Laura Denyes – co-owner, Wish We Had Acres Farm Dr. Dave Hamilton – co-owner, Wish We Had Acres Farm; Naturopathic Doctor, Carolinas Natural Health in Matthews Erik Knutzen – author, blogger and podcaster, The Urban Homestead, Making It: Radical Home Economics for a Post-Consumer World and Root Simple; co-founder, Los Angeles Bread Bakers The show will be available for streaming around noon EST here....


Roughin’ It

...we highly recommend it. The class includes ten classroom sessions, two day trips, and two overnight trips all for a very reasonable price. The class ends with a challenging weekend of snow camping in the high Sierras. Take this class and your urban homestead will be ready for most contingencies. And speaking of camping, the velorutionaries at C.I.C.L.E. are hosting a weekend camping trip on November 11-12 that will feature a wild food hike with th...



...ating inflammation. The seed pods can be pressed to produce a high quality cooking oil. The leaves are also edible and the plant is drought tolerant and will grow in poor soil. Native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas, the Moringa tree is cultivated in many parts of Asia as well as Mexico and Africa. Here’s what Wikipedia says: The immature green pods, called “drumsticks” are probably the most valued and widely used part of the tree. They...


Saturday Linkages: Incas, Big Rocks and Cool Cucumbers

...Trucks… Odd ideas Betrayers’ Banquet: gourmet dining vs the Prisoner’s Dilemma – Boing Boing … Complete meal cooking with a hotel coffee-maker: … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter: Follow @rootsimple...


How to save tomato seed

...are bone dry, transfer to envelopes or glass jars for storage. Be sure to label! *I just lost a batch to germination. I blame the heat. It didn’t seem like they’d be fermenting that long, but after I drained my seeds I saw the tiny little white nubbins poking out of the seeds. Now I have to begin again. This is one reason why you should not wait ’til your last tomato to think about saving seeds. Also, this is a reminder to keep a close eye on you...
