Why I’m Growing Vegetables in a Straw Bale

...ecause his philosophy demands that you to focus intent on the garden, thus making the act of gardening a kind of sacred duty. But, this winter, I’ve still got a lot of tasks to complete and don’t have time to develop either a biodynamic compost pile or, gasp, thoughtstyle my way to some new, alternative method of sacramental gardening. So I decided to try straw bale gardening again. My last attempt, that I blogged about and even did a video of, wo...


Saturday Linkages: Quarantine Movie Suggestions

...he Jacobin (behind a paywall but worth the price of admission). We’ve been making our way through Kilpatrick’s golden-age of Hollywood sub-list. So far we’ve watched: Scarface (the 1932 version) The Big Sleep (Don’t worry about the plot it makes no sense at all–just enjoy the scenery) His Girl Friday (You can watch this one for free on the YouTubes) The Sea Wolf (This one is kinda like a relentless, brutal film noir at sea and, remember, the sea i...


Saturday Tweets: Parsley Poodle Sandwich

...Y6yEREr — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 13, 2019 Watch Netflix at work by making it look like you’re on a conference call https://t.co/0CmD0kgVLy — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 10, 2019 I’m in a wheelchair or pushing a baby along. How do I get around this? @LADOTofficial @davideryu #shermanoaks pic.twitter.com/cbqaZP2Rxs — CiclaValley (@Ciclavalley) July 12, 2019 Let’s do this in LA starting with the section of the 2 freeway between Glendale an...


Saturday Tweets: Ancient Bread, Wild Horses and High Metabolism Money

...ing bread from dormant, 4,500-year-old yeast extracted from Egyptian bread-making ceramics https://t.co/BWGlliA50q — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 8, 2019 Wild Horses of Nevada by Maynard Dixon , 1927. pic.twitter.com/LsmjluOrwn — Mordecai (@MenschOhneMusil) August 6, 2019 High Metabolism Money https://t.co/Z7Z27lpnJF via @wordpressdotcom — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 10, 2019 Become immersed in the sights and the sounds of the forest as y...
