Update on Hedge Fund Billionaire Crispin Odey’s $250,000 Chicken Coop

...Berlin.” Mr. Odey pointed to a relief visible along one wall. “I have the chickens and egg having the age-old fight of who came first,” he smiled. “It’s carved in stone,” and there will be a Latin inscription, “Quis primus venit?” Meaning? “Meaning, ‘Who came first?’ ” So is it a chicken coop and a library? Perhaps Odey is familiar with the poultry housing described in Cato the Elder’s De Agricultura. In this early Roman agriculture manual Cato d...


Easter Lessons

...ack Plague-level disgusting. Easter buboes! Zombie eggs! Here’s my theory: chickens coat their eggs with a protective coating before the eggs leave the “factory.” Just like auto manufacturers! This protective coating is called the bloom. The bloom is washed off in industrial egg production facilities because the eggs have to be washed and sometimes bleached to get the filth off them before they go to market. So bloom is never an issue when dyeing...


Dry Climate Vegetables

...rd has popped up everywhere. I’ve been feeding most of it to our cooped up chickens. It doesn’t rain here in the summer, so I suspect most of these plants will fade out if I don’t water them. And the mustard is already going to seed. My big regret with this unintentional garden is that I did not take notes as to when these plants sprouted. A little citizen science would really help when it comes time to figuring out when to plant things in our qui...


Permaculture Design Course at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano

...cience overview, building biomass- focus in permaculture, keeping backyard chickens, composting methods workshop / build a worm bin MAY 11 / ENERGY + SHELTER – Passive solar design, walk through an energy audit, how to read a utility bill, ‘going solar,’ tour of energy-efficient home, design an alternative energy plan for your own energy-efficient home / home-scale energy audit MAY 31 / DESIGN OFF-SITE – Perform client interview/determine clients...


Saturday Linkages: Poultry Shaming, Horse Treadmills and Garden Snark

...cted driver legislation http://reut.rs/1h9V6Jx Choosing a Secure Password http://boingboing.net/2014/02/25/choosing-a-secure-password.html … Physicists find a new ‘state of matter’ in the eyes of chickens http://io9.com/physicists-find-a-new-state-of-matter-in-the-eyes-of-1530484600 … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter: Follow @rootsimple...
