Saturday Linkages: Big Chickens, Drought and More Frightening RT @voxdotcom: Chickens have gotten ridiculously large since the 1950s: #CivilEats — Susan Marquis (@susanlmarquis) October 4, 2014


Saturday Tweets: She Sheds, Wild Chickens and Fatbergs

...OeYfJTEM via @Femail — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 23, 2015 In Hawaii, Chickens Gone Wild — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 23, 2015 Flower Pot Smoker — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 23, 2015 10-tonne fatberg removed from west London sewer — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 23, 2015 Prisoners + shelter dogs + autistic kids= an amazing program, worthy of your support. Give to...


Chicken Guantanamo and scratch down every plant they find edible behaving, as the Petaluma Urban Homesteaders put it, “like a pack of delinquent teenagers”. Our chicken housing consists of three zones. Zone one is the hen house–that aluminum structure on the right in the photo above. It contains a roost for the chickens to sleep on at night and a nesting box for the hens to lay their eggs in. Zone two is a secure run covered in 1/2 inch hardware cloth–the area le...


Homegrown Evolution in Chicago

...ter with: Erik will lead an informal presentation on Urban Homesteading in Los Angeles – focusing on his and his wife’s homegrown systems of adventurous experimentation of chickens, growing, greywater, brewing and more – some successful, some not so much! Copies of The Urban Homestead will be for sale. Many thanks to Nancy Klehm for arranging these events! See her website Spontaneous Vegetation for more info on other events a...


Is the Detroit Urban Farm Revolution Over?

...David and Sky Brown’s house. It appears that a young couple, David and Sky Brown, who bought a $2,000 house in Detroit last May ran afoul of an Animal Control officer on Wednesday. The couple’s goats and chickens were seized over the tearful pleas of their owners. There’s more on the story here. The Browns have asked for help on their blog. If any Detroit area readers know more about this story please leave a comment. Update: there’s a petition....
