Dome Building

Drop City Chicken Coop Whenever the entwined notions of sustainability, green building, environmentalism and the lingering remains of the 60s counterculture address architecture and the places we live in, inevitably Buckminster Fuller influenced forms seem to just spring from the landscape like mushrooms after a particularly wet winter. Perhaps the idealism of folks interested in saving the world, especially do-it-yourself types, lends itself to...


A Tour of the Homegrown Evolution Compound

...y hand–once again, don’t buy a house on a hill!). In the background is the chicken coop and run, with the herb garden in the foreground. Just to the right of the chicken run are several large artichoke plants. Behind that and out of sight, is a 4′ x 8′ raised bed for vegetables. Next to the shed is a small orange tree, just planted, that replaced the fig tree we tore out. Dominating the right side of the photo is the avocado tree. Next to that tre...


Saturday Linkages: Of Gut Microbes and Hyperbolic Bronnerianism

...-remain-a-source-of-multidrug-resistant-bacteria-after-use/ … Lloyd Kahn’s Chicken Coop In the Spring … First Person: Carlos Morales brings bicycling culture to east LA … Adding Value and Building a Strong Town: Lancaster Blvd.


The Best Way to Get Bees For Free

...haphazardly, upside-down, in a large plastic pot that was half filled with chicken litter. I intended to throw the box out at some later date. Then, a few days later, as a neighbor was telling me about his favorite climbing roses, Kelly called me from the porch, saying there was a”bee situation” going on in the back yard. I ran up the stairs and behind the house to see one of the awe inspiring miracles of nature: a hive moving into their new home–...
