Happy Holiday Weekend!

...It’s a holiday weekend in the US, meaning that, with the exception of our international readers, few people are checking the blog. You’re either gardening, brewing beer, burning a large effigy in the desert or constructing a giant wall around San Francisco. Down in LA? We’re sleeping with the cats....


Picture Sundays: Kiddo the Airship Cat

A delightful lecture by Paul Koudounaris on the history of ship cats tipped me off to the story of Kiddo, the airship cat. Kiddo went aboard the ill-fated airship America in an unsuccessful attempt to cross the Atlantic in October 1910. Kiddo did not enjoy the experience, at first, and led to what may have been the first air to ground radio transmission, “Roy, come and get this goddamn cat!” After a journey of over a thousand miles, inclement wea...


Saturday Tweets: A Wacky Week

Oh god. It's happened. The cats have taken over while we were all too busy to notice. pic.twitter.com/x9sbLHhFnY — David Wyllie (@journodave) July 13, 2016 San Francisco's bike lanes have become Uber's pickup/dropoff zones (and the cops don't care) https://t.co/ttLA0mcfpW — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 15, 2016 This is what happens when a bear gets into your Subaru https://t.co/lFNgzheylY — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 13, 201...
