Weekend Linkages: Spring Brain Dump

...‘Les Animaux Mythologiques’ by Hinzelin Emile, (1857 – 1937) US spends billions on roads rather than public transport in ‘climate time bomb’ Amazon Ditches ‘Just Walk Out’ Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores Did Pope Gregory IX Order A Medieval Purge of Black Cats That Caused the Black Death? Christianity Was Always for the Poor The night people All the buildings on Sunset Boulevard...


Bird’s Nest

...magined how I’d display a nest if I had one, how I’d keep it safe from the cats. Then, the other day I found this one sitting on the coffee table on our back patio. Just sitting there, right in the middle of the table, as if someone put it there on purpose, all strange and gorgeous. I assumed Erik had found it. And since the table sits under our grape arbor, and a few grape skins were in the nest, I figured the nest had been up in the grape vines,...


Acedia Part II: An Internet of Narcissism

...tossing the book off the shelf where it thuds to the floor and scares the cats and the dogs. Lasch had the same fury in his critique of the self centered culture of the 60s and 70s. I suspect much of the revival of Lasch has a lot to do with the fact that the social media that dominates our lives is nothing more than an obscene narcissism machine gestated in the fevered dreams of the internet’s Randian hippie progenitors of the Whole Earth Catalo...


An Open Letter to Our Mammalian Friends

...ol with the daytime raids on the fig tree even if it entertains our indoor cats. To the rats of Los Angeles: avocados do not mature on the tree. This is probably why you take a single bite and allow them to fall to the ground. You’ll never get guacamole this way. And can you please not drop half-eaten grapes all over our patio furniture. Not only does it create a mess but it leads to unseemly First World meltdowns, “My Martha Stewart patio set is...
