Saturday Linkages: Gaslighting the Quarantine Cats

40 percent of Americans have taken “extremely unsafe” measures to sanitize their food and kitchens 3 Reasons Your Chicken May Display Red Legs Time to Get Blueberries in Your Freezer? Strawberry Feijoa Jam Your wedding’s been cancelled by the coronavirus lockdown? Good Inside NextDoor’s Karen problem What It’s Like to Get Doxed for Taking a Bike Ride Writer Lane Moore condensed my mood in a Tweet, is anyone else feeling gaslit all the time lately...


Saturday Linkages: Passive Cooling, Cats and Three Mules, BIKES vs CARS – WE ARE MANY on @Kickstarter @homedepot @lowes: 2/3 of our food crops need bees! Stop selling bee-killing pesticides! #BeeAction @foe_us Your Future in Farming & Homesteading: FREE 3-Day Webcast Event! (Oct. 1-3, 2013) … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter: Fol...


No Tweets Just Cats

I’m in the midst of an experimental one month digital detox as suggested by Cal Newport in his book Digital Minimalism. During this period I’m giving up the Twitters which usually forms the basis of a set of links I post on Saturday. Twitter has devolved into a way of monetizing people yelling at each other and I’m not missing it. I may look at it again, or I may figure out another way to do the link feature. At this point, I don’t know. But I’m...
